Doortast osteopathie

Osteopathy for sports injuries

At Doortast we also offer osteopathy voor sports injuries

The body of an athlete functions differently than that of a non-athlete. Simply because the athlete demands different things from his or her body. During exercise, your body reaches an increased activation level, where some aspects are very important, namely: coordination, stability, concentration, muscle strength, combustion (food and drink) and perseverance. It is therefore very important for athletes that your body is well balanced. If this is not the case and you are deficient in one of the above aspects, you will often see that injuries can occur.

Unfortunately, you are already too late, because if an injury occurs, you must first recover from this injury before you can resume your sporting activities. Prevention is therefore better than cure. Osteopathy can help both after the injury has occurred, but especially to prevent an injury.

vrouw die aan hardlopen doet

Do you feel like you are not in balance? Then sound the alarm immediately.

During my career as a physiotherapist, I have specialized in treating and guiding (top) athletes. Now I continue this in my work as an osteopath. I myself exercise very fanatically, namely: tennis, squash, cross-fit and running.

If you would like to make an appointment with me for osteopathy treatment, please call 06-38303629 or 071-5230185. You can also email

Experience the power of osteopathy lead - schedule your consultation!

For which sports-related complaints does osteopathy help?

Osteopathy is a good treatment method for many sports-related complaints. In particular, complaints that do not recover or that return regularly can be remedied by the osteopath. In addition, medically unexplained complaints can often be treated effectively. Osteopathy is therefore a good addition to regular medicine.

Sports-related complaints that I treat with osteopathy are: