Doortast osteopathie

Who am I?

My name is Barend van Zelm van Eldik and I am an osteopath and acupuncturist by profession.

I am 42 years old, married and father of 2 children. I started my career as a physiotherapist. In 2009 I set up practice Doortast.

During my work as a physiotherapist, I specialized in all spine-related complaints and conditions and guiding athletes before and after their injuries.

I have also specialized in dry needling, ultrasound and lifestyle advice that I can include in my treatment.

I gradually discovered that many complaints could be treated effectively, but that the cause of the complaints was not always identified. That frustrated me and at the same time I saw that there was more than just muscles and joints.

Because I am always interested in different treatment methods, I first studied acupuncture and then osteopathy.

These studies have given me a lot of information about our body and have given me many options to properly treat my clients with their complaints.

From acupuncture I have specialized in treating all kinds of hormonal problems (menstrual problems, infertility complaints, burn out, allergies, headache complaints and stomach and intestinal complaints.

As an osteopath, I focus on long-term physical complaints. In particular hormonal problems, stomach and intestinal complaints, allergies, unwanted infertility, etc.

Osteopaat en acupuncturist Barend van Zelm

Make an appointment

If you would like to make an appointment with me after reading this website, I can be reached on tel. number 071-5230185. You can also fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also email

If you would like more information about osteopathy, please call me. I would be happy to tell you more about it.

I would like to meet you at the practice.

If you receive the voicemail during working hours, please leave your name and telephone number and I will contact you within 24 hours. You can always send an email.

Adres details: Schuttersveld 91, 2316 ZZ, Leiden